Manage Your Climate Strategy

Real-time Calculations

Once the configuration is set up, calculations happen in real-time without you even noticing. No more looking back, it's time for an ambitious climate policy continuously monitored.

Emission Factors

Hundreds of emission factors available to make your life easier; all you need to do is select the most relevant ones. If you're missing some, no worries, you can import as many as you want in just a few clicks.

Define Your Action Plan

Measuring, of course, but is it an end in itself? Certainly not! You'll be able to define your climate strategy in MyCompanyCO2 by setting up as many scenarios as necessary (short term, long term, energy, buildings, products).

Measure the Effect of Your Strategy

No need to wait more than a year for the next carbon assessment to see if your climate strategy is bearing fruit. MyCompanyCO2, with its real-time engine, allows you to ensure that your climate strategy is effective.

The First 'Real' Carbon Accounting

Power of Accounting for Decarbonization

MyCompanyCO2 is a modern carbon accounting software. So pleasant that you'll love carbon assessments by avoiding the frustration of endless back-and-forths, endless Excel file exchanges, and recurring costs.

Analytical Accounting

Your carbon accounting benefits from defining your analytical accounts based on projects, contracts, departments, etc. The analytical axes with which you analyze your company's financial performance are included in your climate strategy.

Manage Your Assets

Assets and depreciation schedules, as well as depreciation entries, automatically take into account associated carbon. Similarly, your multi-year contracts and their prepaid expenses and revenues include associated carbon.

Conversion Management

Whether for currencies (monetary factors) or for units of measurement (activity data), no more worries about conversions! You can focus on your business and delegate conversions to MyCompanyCO2, which will handle them for you.

Analyze and Make Forecasts


Use predefined dashboards or build your own using the detailed reporting engine. Share your reports with your team to help track your decarbonization plan.

Official Reporting BEGES, GHG Protocol, ISO

Analyze your emissions in one click. You'll be able to view your carbon footprint by scope, emission type, department, subsidiary, etc.

CSRD Ready

MyCompanyCO2 provides you with all the details to support your organization in compliance with the CSRD.


Set your goals with your action plan and track its progress in real-time with predefined reports.

Ready for Coopetition?


MyCompanyCO2 is an open-source tool that covers all scopes without exception, using maximum open data emission factors. The algorithm is public, thus enhancing your credibility with your clients, suppliers, shareholders, etc.

Open Source

A professional tool available as open source to scale up the decarbonization of the global economy.

Open Data

Significant datasets available as open data and accessible with MyCompanyCO2 allow you to calculate the majority of your carbon footprint without resorting to paid external sources.


MyCompanyCO2 encourages contributing to the tool's development and popularization. Together, let's meet the challenge of decarbonizing the global economy.


Connectors to Major Databases

ADEME and its Footprint database, Agribalyse, Exiobase... thousands of emission factors are available at your fingertips.

Specific Databases

Integrate any emission factor regardless of its data source in case of specific needs (Ecoinvent...).


Carbon on Invoices

Carbon on Invoices

Show your difference by mentioning on your invoice the carbon content of each of your products. This way, you demonstrate exemplary behavior and retain your customers.



Your buyers now see the carbon impact of their purchases before making a decision and can thus play a key role in your organization's climate strategy.

Home-to-Work Travel

Home-to-Work Travel

No more endless data collection; it's now your HR manager who can manage this information from hiring or during year-end reviews in just a few seconds.

Expense Reports

Expense Reports

Once expense reports are approved, they will automatically generate the associated carbon, whether it's for mileage allowances, flat-rate meal reimbursements, etc.


MyCompanyCO2 is an open-source tool integrated into Odoo covering all the needs of a carbon footprint: measuring, analyzing, reducing, contributing, and communicating.

MyCompanyCO2's unique positioning is to be both very easy to use and fully integrated.

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